The European lynx, a solitary feline
The European lynx is a solitary animal that hunts on the lookout. It must therefore approach its prey as close as possible without being detected. It uses the vegetation or any other element in its environment to camouflage itself and attack by surprise. If the European lynx does not catch its prey the first time, it gives up.
The European lynx is present in Europe and Asia. In France, the European lynx population is vulnerable due to its small number and its fragmentation. The lynx is a victim of poaching and collisions with cars. Sanctions, protective measures and scientific studies should be put in place to ensure its survival.
HabitatForest, mountains and wooded hills
Chamois, roe deer, hares

The expression "Having a lynx eye" is taken from the character Lyncée. In Greek mythology, this hero had the distinction of seeing through walls. Men thinking that the lynx also had excellent eyesight, the expression "To have Lynceus eyes" became, over time, "To have a lynx eye".
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Discover the daily life of our lynxes. Follow their adventures at PAL and learn more about this endangered species.
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