Conserve biodiversity around the world
It initiates, supports and assists financially, technically and humanely projects which, in France and abroad, offer sustainable solutions to respond to the threats faced by biodiversity, and in particular endangered wild species and their habitats.
The main missions of the Foundation
- Raising public awareness of major environmental issues and the threats of extinction that weigh on certain species.
- The conservation of threatened species, in particular by participating in breeding and reintroduction programs set up at European level for “sensitive” species present in zoos.
- Involvement in research programs aimed at developing knowledge about these species in order to participate effectively in their protection.
Support the Foundation

By donating...
The Le PAL Nature Foundation supports more than 32 carefully selected projects around the world. Locally, it acts alongside associations already very involved in the environmental field.
In France and abroad, it supports very active associations in the field of biodiversity protection: South Africa (seabirds), Europe (raising awareness and research on European carnivores), France (ibex, hedgehogs, etc.) , Equatorial Guinea (chimpanzees), India and Indonesia (gibbons), Madagascar (education and reforestation), Nepal (red panda and cohabitation between humans and tigers), Peru (woolly monkeys and spider monkeys), Zambia (cohabitation between elephant and Man), Zimbabwe (water resources)… sponsoring animals...
Because all species play a role in the balance of the ecosystems essential to life on earth. Protecting them means acting for the good of the planet and the survival of future generations.
One day, says the legend, there was a huge forest fire. All terrified animals, aghast, watched helplessly disaster. Only the little hummingbird was busy, fetching a few drops with its beak to throw them on the fire. After a while, the armadillo, annoyed by this ridiculous agitation, said to him: “Hummingbird! You're not crazy ? It is not with these drops of water that you will put out the fire! And the hummingbird replied, "I know that, but I'm doing my part."

...and whatelse ?
- By participating each year in our many themed days dedicated to a species or a continent and by meeting our keepers and associations there
- By coming to the Le PAL Nature Foundation Day, a day run entirely by volunteers where all profits are donated directly to the associations supported by The Foundation
- By buying €2 bracelets sold at the end of each animal representation or in the shops. These bracelets are made with the combinations of our healers which are entirely recycled by a French company NEOCOMBINE
- By participating in various external events organized by local partners
- By following us on social networks Facebook and Instagram

Are you a committed association or are you part of a biodiversity conservation project? Would you like to be supported by the Le PAL Nature Foundation and/or participate in our various events? Contact our program coordinator so that she can study your project by email at or by phone at 07 87 19 01 30
Discover his stories !
Projects, associations, sponsored animals ... Discover the actions of the Le PAL Nature Foundation in the heart of the #NaturePALpitante of the park