59 results
The giraffe’s most highly developed sense is its sight. Some people believe it can distinguish between different colors. -
Zebra of Grevy
Zebras are herbivores characterised by their black and white stripes, most of which are vertical. -
Alligators Park
Alligators’ legs may be short but they can run at a gallop. Their forelegs have five toes while their hind legs have only four. -
Blue and yellow macaw
The exceptional abilities and beautiful colors of the blue and yellow macaw make them one of the finest in this extended family. -
Ostrich has only two toes on its feet. When pecking at the vegetation, it is vulnerable to predators including lions. -
Sulphur-crested cockatoo
Sulphur-crested cockatoos are found in Australia. They are primarily vegetarian and can cause significant damage to crops. -
Southern ground hornbill
Southern ground hornbills have entirely black plumage. The areas around their eyes and on their neck are featherless and reveal the bird’s red skin. -
Golden-bellied capuchin
Golden-bellied capuchins live in groups of between 8 and 35 individuals based on a hierarchy, whereby the dominant male defends the group. -
Capybaras have partially webbed feet and particularly like bodies of water and marshes. -
Crested caracara
The crested caracara is the largest and most widespread of the large group of land falcons known as caracaras. There are 8 different species. -
Father David's Deer
Father David's deer need to consume a lot of grass in order to have strength and energy throughout the year.