Immerse yourself in the heart of the swamps with Alligators
The alligator is a wild and frightening animal, straight from prehistoric times. It typically lives in swamps, freshwater marshes, lakes, rivers, and sometimes small bodies of water in North America. It still tolerates low salt water.
Its short legs are able to transport it at a gallop. The alligator does not have the same number of toes everywhere. He has 5 on his front legs and 4 on his back legs. When submerged below the surface of the water, its nostrils, placed on top of the muzzle, allow it to breathe.
The mating season gives rise to picturesque scenes. The male goes to the surface of the water and emits vibrations that make the surface of the water tremble. It is generally very impressive. This intimidation may be enough to ward off rivals. But sometimes heavy fighting can take place and lead to the death of the weakest combatant.
HabitatWamps, freshwater marshes, rivers and lakes, and sometimes in smaller bodies of water
Turtles, small mammals, birds and reptiles

Young alligators usually stay close to where they were born. But this situation does not last. Once adults, they separate to lead a lonely life.
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