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With an extremely well-developed hearing and an exceptional eyesight

A super predator

This owl is classified among the super predators, which means it has no direct competitor and can also attack other raptors, including the peregrine falcon. It is large in size, has extremely well-developed hearing and exceptional eyesight, and is completely silent in flight. Its talons are also remarkably strong, making it the largest and most powerful of Europe’s nocturnal birds of prey.

The Eurasian eagle-owl was for a long time mistakenly considered a nuisance and was targeted by hunters. Road and rail traffic, as well as high-voltage electricity lines, represent constant threats and have been responsible for a large number of deaths.

The Eurasian eagle-owl is found in Europe, Asia and even North Africa (links to corresponding continent pages).

The Eurasian eagle-owl’s reproduction period generally begins in February. During this period the male’s ardent call can be heard in the evening and at night time, when it is quiet and the sky is particularly clear. They usually build their nests in cracks and rock cavities. As long as they remain small in size, the young remain under the protective wing of the female. At the age of around 9 weeks, they are ready to fly.

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  • Habitat

    Upland meadows, scree slopes, quarries and high-altitude scrubland.

  • Food

    Voles, rats, rabbits, hedgehogs, ducks, diurnal raptors, etc.

The Eurasian eagle-owl was successfully reintroduced in Switzerland and Germany in the 1980s and is now a fully protected species.
Did you know ?

The Eurasian eagle-owl was successfully reintroduced in Switzerland and Germany in the 1980s and is now a fully protected species.

Eurasian eagle owl

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