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In the heart of the Yukon Valley

Excitement of toddlers

New for 2020!

Little ones are also allowed to hurtle down the Canadian rapids! Aboard little barrels, they'll be setting off for a really fun adventure, but watch out for the splashes! The Beaver River, fun and excitement guaranteed for children, and the makings of some wonderful memories for toddlers!

With exciting things that are just right for toddlers, you'll be able to watch them having a fantastic time all the way through their trip and enjoy some great experiences together. They'll love the surprise of two little rapids among the beavers of Canada, a wonderful way to introduce them to the magic of Le PAL!

  • La Rivières des castors au parc d'attraction Le PAL
  • La rivière des castors au parc d'attraction Le PAL
  • La rivière des castors au parc d'attraction Le PAL
  • La rivière des castors au parc d'attraction Le PAL

This attraction for children has recently been added to the Yukon Valley area. Introduced in 2018 and featuring the thrills of the Yukon Quad, this area was extended in 2019 with the arrival of the north-western wolves in their lovely 1-hectare forest, along with the dizzying attraction known as the Yukon Wings. And you're in for another nice surprise this year with the arrival of two new attractions for children: the Beaver River and the Yukon Trucks.

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The Beaver River

Discover his stories !

Discover the world of River Beaver in the heart of a #NaturePALpitante

At Le PAL 31 attractions for the family

Attractions for young and old: Yukon Quad, Twist, Mine train, Sun Disk, the Great North River, the PAL stud farm, the Desert Squadron ... for a good dose of sensation.

All attractions