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A very well organised social life

The animal closest to man

How does a chimpanzee live?
How is a group formed?
Do you know the hierarchy and the functioning of a group?

Find all the answers to these questions in the chimpanzee educational presentations. From their lifestyle to their characteristics, including their diet, the keepers explain everything to you!

More questions ? Ask them at the end of the presentation! 

  • Un chimpanzé en train de manger au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Un chimpanzé assis sur une pierre au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Quatre chimpanzés au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Quatre chimpanzé au parc animalier Le PAL
Chimpanzees are very unified and help each other rise hierarchically.
Did you know ?

Chimpanzees are very unified and help each other rise hierarchically.

Educational animation of chimpanzees

Discover his stories !

Learn more about chimpanzees, this animal so close to humans but so unique!

At Pal... The other shows

Learn more about the animals of the PAL with the animations presented by the trainers. A fun and educational moment for young and old.

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