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11th edition of Le PAL Nature Foundation Day

A #PALpitating day for the conservation of biodiversity

On October 9, the famous Le PAL Nature Foundation Day took place. You don't know the concept yet? This Day, which takes place once a year, is an opportunity to raise awareness among our public about the conservation of local and global biodiversity. Organized by the Le PAL Nature Foundation, on this day our beautiful animal park exceptionally opens its doors to visitors. This year, 262 volunteers participated and made it possible for you to experience a unique day!
Throughout your visit, various stands will be present, including those of 16 associations. Sharing and exchange were there to allow you to learn more about our animals and their conservation. Thanks to you, these associations were able to collect more than 7000€.

An amazing adventure to live with the family

Because at PAL, we care about the well-being of our planet, on the occasion of Le PAL Nature Foundation Day, 22 structures have been set up just for you in our Sustainable Village, allowing you to collect €360.
Dance show, unmissable animal representations and even Palou and Paline were there for everyone to have an unforgettable day. A super raffle was also organized, which raised €1,495. To spice up the day, this year we challenged you to plant 1000 trees! So was the challenge successful? Well thanks to you, we planted 800 trees! See you next year to try the challenge again.

Fundraising record broken!

This year, Le PAL Nature Foundation Day broke its fundraising record! Nearly 5,000 entries were recorded. So, we just wanted to say: THANK YOU!
Thanks to your participation, the various activities organized by the Le PAL Academy, the auction, the Twine Game, and many more, the sum of €76,619.68 was collected! A nice sum that will allow the PAL Nature Foundation to advance the various conservation projects for which it is committed.

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