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This is the 6th edition of Le PAL Nature Foundation Day

Sunday October 14 at the PAL

Sunday 14th October at Le PAL marks the 6th anniversary of the Fondation Le PAL Nature Day.

A day that's specially devoted to the conservation of endangered animals. For this occasion, only the wildlife park is open, and the attractions will be closed, so that people of all ages will be able to enjoy all the entertainment that is being put on specially for this day!

You'll be able to wander along the paths in the park in your own time from 10am to 5pm. This year we have introduced various new features.

You'll be able to join guided tours of the animal buildings (subject to availability) and this year, you'll be able to see the aquatic complex too!

A sustainable village has also been set up with the Collectif Zeéro Déchet, the SICTOM and the Grandir association. Sustainable alternatives workshops will also be open to all. You'll be able to make your own washing liquid, tawashi sponges (made from socks with holes) as well as your own furoshiki (Japanese wrapping paper made of fabric).

Various animal feeding times will take place, there is a face-painting stand for children and all sorts of other entertainment options that are still secret will be on offer! But we're not going to tell you about them all just now…

On the day, the park is run exclusively by volunteers, and entry costs €10, with all profits from the day going back to associations involved in protecting wild animals. In 2017, profits were used to tackle poaching, for reforestation and for setting up infrastructures for rehabilitation.

So, don't forget, on Sunday 14th October from 10 am to 5 pm, we await you in your droves at Le PAL for the Fondation Le PAL Nature Day!

Click here to buy tickets

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