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Come and support the PAL PALURE FOUNDATION

All the benefits of this day will go to the PAL NATURE FOUNDATION

On Sunday October 23, the zoological area (closed attractions) will open these doors exceptionally from 10 am to 5 pm. The entrance fee is 10 euros (season card not valid, free for children under 1 meter).
For direct access to the control you can buy your tickets online by clicking here.
You can also buy them on site the same day at the cash desks.
All the profits from this day will go to the FOUNDATION Le PAL NATURE and will be used to finance animal conservation projects in France and around the world.
Throughout this day, educational snacks and shows will be offered. You can also register on site for a backstage tour (subject to availability, €3 per person): hippos, tigers, elephants, cuisine, veterinary clinic, bird nursery.

Associations supported by the PAL NATURE FOUNDATION will be present:

Come many!

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