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A new breath for the region

Target: 1 million trees

Saving the tropical forests

The Fondation Le PAL Nature regularly provides funds to the Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF) to help fight deforestation together. The association operates in Indonesia, especially in the heart of the Borneo forest.

By 2025, it aims to reach 1 million trees planted! To do this, 25 community nurseries will be created, 2,500 hectares of forest restored and constant monitoring of the territory conducted.


Rapid progress

Last March, the association totaled 10 nurseries or 119 108 plants from 7 different tree species! The construction of these zones ensures and provides the project 1 million trees.

To carry out this project, BNF works closely with the local population. The creation of nurseries has led to the creation of 73 new local jobs. Currently, the project is growing in scope and is now extending to neighbouring community villages.

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Did you know that?

Borneo is the fourth largest island in the world. It is home to 6% of the world’s biodiversity in its incredibly rich rainforests, including orangutan and white-bearded gibbons.

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