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A rescue worthy of the name!

Despite the pandemic, the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance and its collaborators have still continued to carry out their actions to save the chimpanzees.

There is even talk of the largest rescue in its history with 25 monkeys confiscated in Zimbabwe.

It is with the financial support of more than 200 people and organizations that large enclosures were built to accommodate the monkeys. These 25 monkeys were rescued on a smuggling route on the Zimbabwe border.

Without the intervention of the organization J.A.C.K, a member of PASA, and without these hundreds of donations, these monkeys would have been left homeless. The J.A.C.K association has built naturalist enclosures for them to ensure their safety while their health and their reintroduction into nature are assessed.

With the COVID-19 crisis, many PASA centers found themselves in confinement, however, little by little, they are reopening and starting to resume their activities while respecting strict safety standards.

Their actions

Some wildlife centers have started going to schools to teach children and educate them about the cause. While other centers have resumed public visits with regulations on the number of visitors received.

The Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Sierra Leone aims to educate the community by welcoming visitors to its ecolodges. In addition to chimpanzees, Tacugama aims to sustainably produce oysters with women from the region. This would allow them to earn a living but also to protect the fauna that coexists with the harvested oysters.

Another objective of PASA

PASA is enthusiastic about all rescue attempts, which is why it supports the volunteers named Burundian Green Rangers who would like to build a sanctuary to accommodate 7 chimpanzees in captivity. This sanctuary would allow them to have a better life.

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