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fight against poaching and illegal trade

Save the chimps!

PASA, Pan African Sanctuary Alliance is a large association of wildlife centers in Africa. Today the fight of the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance is to fight against the trafficking of primates.

The context

This illegal trade has disastrous consequences for wildlife but also for public health. This phenomenon has worsened all the more with the COVID-19 crisis as economic precariousness has increased, which has led to an increase in poaching and illegal trade in animals, especially chimpanzees.

Threatened chimpanzees

Since 1990 and according to the PASA report, the West African chimpanzee population has declined by 80%. The main reasons are illegal trade and poaching. This is a real problem with the neglect of legal frameworks and control centers at the local level in the face of the situation. Every year, 3,000 chimpanzees are illegally captured.

How to fix this problem ? PASA reacts.

The establishment of strict rules in a country leads to the geographical displacement of the poaching problem, so the PASA had to find another solution to remedy it.
Thus, PASA and its African collaborators have set up an Action For Chimpanzees project. For its realization they thought of this project in three parts:

  • An innovative research program to better document trafficking networks
  • Training actions for law enforcement agencies engaged in the repression of trafficking
  • An awareness campaign for local audiences to discourage the practice of poaching and trafficking in wildlife by enabling local communities to become fully committed partners in the protection of biodiversity.
Many collaborators

PASA obviously does not carry out this project alone. It works closely with the partner association Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection in Liberia and many other organizations in West Africa. For more information, you can find more information on the PASA website.

Their actions
  • Develop informative messages that will be posted on billboards in three countries being Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Their content will be adapted to the culture of each country and intended for audiences likely to participate in these illegal practices.
  • Produce 6 large format billboards
  • Rent locations that are strategic to the location of illegal activity against chimpanzees.

The Le PAL Nature Foundation

To carry out their awareness-raising project against the illegal trade in chimpanzees in West Africa, the Le PAL Nature Foundation supported the association to the tune of € 7,746.40.

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