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As a reminder, the International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF) is one of the main otter charities in the world. In the UK, IOSF is the only charity solely dedicated to the conservation, protection and care of otters, based on years of scientific research in the UK and around the world.

Recent actions

IOSF released 3 otters this fall and it was a success! Everything went very well. Currently, 8 otters are in the charge of the IOSF and more releases are planned for the coming month as well as during the summer.

IOSF celebrates World Otter Day

It is very important for the IOSF to celebrate this day and for that it does so in a very special way. To raise awareness, the IOSF uses social media. Indeed, we have noticed that during the coronavirus crisis, social networks had a strong impact in our lives. This is why the IOSF encourages Internet users to use the hashtag #WorldOtterDay on World Otter Day or to post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. To support otters the IOSF advises sharing, tagging your friends in IOSF posts to raise awareness on the topic, encouraging your friends to post too. Finally, the most important thing would be to tag the IOSF in your posts, on Facebook @InternationalOtterSurvivalFund, on Instagram @IOSF_Otters and on Twitter @IOSF.

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