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Let's protect amphibians!

International and local commitments!

The Le PAL NATURE Foundation is mobilizing in the town of Meillers to safeguard populations of amphibians, impacted by road traffic.

The principle :

To prevent amphibians from being crushed when crossing the road, toaddromes have been set up. This is a net installed along the road, at the foot of which buckets are buried. Stopped in their journey, the amphibians walk along the net and end up falling into the buckets. Then simply collect them each morning and take them to the other side of the road so that they complete their journey safely.

Thanks to funding from the Pal Nature Foundation and the partnership with the Community of Communes of Bocage Bourbonnais, the CEN Allier wishes to repeat this operation in 2024 and will propose a new installation of the crapaudrome next Friday February 2 via a participatory project!

Here are 2 videos to watch to find out more about Operation Crapeaudrome!



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