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1st day of the season

Together, let's celebrate penguins

Inform for the conservation of the specie

Saturday, May 28, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., find the Le PAL Nature Foundation stand in the park and buy eco-responsible goodies for the benefit of the SANCCOB association ! Our keepers will be there to answer all your questions: how does the penguin build its nest? How does he move? What are the differences between penguins and penguins?

What's expected ?

For this unique day, the Foundation welcomes new artists. In the alleys of the park, you will have the opportunity to discover the creations of Jus de Carotte, Croca alias Caroline Crochet and TINKER'ART alias Justine Soria.

As every year, the whole family will be able to participate in many activities and games. On this day dedicated to Penguins, your children will have the opportunity to participate in “La Pêche aux Manchots” and a “COMBIENKISSON” raffle. With the "Courir pour les Animaux" association, you will be able to attend small sporting challenges, selfies with their mascot, and sales of stuffed animals...

details of the day

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