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The female White-tailed Eagle lays 1 to 3 eggs, most often 2, which will be incubated in turn by the two adults for a little over a month.

When hatched, the chicks weigh only 80-95 g but after 6 to 8 weeks they will reach a weight of 4 to 6 kg. Between 2 and a half and 3 months after hatching, the young take flight, but they do not leave the nest for good! Indeed, they will still be fed by the adults for 4 to 5 weeks, then they will gradually disperse onto the parental territory during the third month to fly towards their new life. Finally, around the age of 5, young people will reach sexual maturity.

As part of the reintroduction program, a white-tailed eagle eagle, named Le PAL, was born on 03/11/2023 at Parc des Aigles du Léman and will be released in September 2023.

We invite you to follow his adventures, from his first days until his flight to freedom.

The two eggs are incubated in turn by each parent.


The aviaries are adapted to encourage the reproduction of eagles: a large platform (2m x 2m) is placed at a height of 5 meters in order to recreate the conditions offered by natural nesting sites.

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