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United for biodiversity

World Wildlife Day

The #UnitedforBiodiversity Coalition, launched in spring 2020 by the European Commissioner for the Environment, Virginijus Sinkevicius, calls for greater mobilization around raising public awareness of the need to protect biodiversity. There is an emergency: more than a million animal and plant species are at risk of extinction. Le PAL park and Le PAL NATURE FOUNDATION today sign the Coalition's commitment and thus join forces with more than a hundred zoos, aquariums, natural parks, museums, research centers and botanical gardens around the world to, together, help nature and "do its part" (like the famous legend of the hummingbird *).

The creation of the Coalition precedes the 15th Conference of the Parties (CoP15) signatories of the Convention on Biological Diversity responsible for setting a global framework for the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems for the next 10 years and which is to be held in China. in 2021.

Following the official support of EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquariums) and AFDPZ (French Association of Zoological Parks), Le PAL park and La FONDATION Le PAL NATURE are pleased to join more than 10 other zoos French, including Beauval ZooParc and La Boissière Zoo, already members of the Coalition. The European Commission hoping to bring together 500 institutions, we in turn call on all our partners and all the zoos of the world to join the movement, hoping that our voices will be heard by the decision makers of the world at CoP15.

* The legend of the hummingbird One day, says an Amerindian legend, there was a huge forest fire. All terrified animals, aghast, watched helplessly disaster. Only the little hummingbird was bustling about, fetching a few drops with its beak to throw them on the fire. After a while, the armadillo, annoyed by this derisory agitation, said to him: "Hummingbird! Aren't you crazy? Don't you put out the fire with these drops of water!" And the hummingbird replied, "I know it, but I'm doing my part."

The PAL, a responsible park committed to the conservation of biodiversity.

Pedagogy Conservation Research

PAL is a responsible animal park that places animal welfare at the heart of its priorities and makes its commitments a reality:

  • Large environments and facilities perfectly adapted to the needs of the animals.
  • Discovery, education and awareness programs for families and schools.
  • Participation in around thirty European Breeding Programs (48 different species) and collaboration in various research programs.
  • Educational activities, thematic days organized by the Le PAL NATURE FOUNDATION and for 2 years, the Le PAL Academy, which consists of offering children aged 8 to 14 an activity (2 hours per week) in connection with the environment on the extra school time. Children aim to become ambassadors of biodiversity to their families and friends.

Created in 2008, the LE PAL NATURE FOUNDATION has a 5-year multiannual action program for a total budget of over € 660,000.

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