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A promising future

As part of the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP), we are delighted to announce the transfer of our white-collared lemur (Eulemur cinereiceps), Jako, from our park to the Shuttleworth Zoological Education Center in England.

This highly important departure aims to form a new pair for this species. To date, only 5 pairs are present and 17 individuals spread across 4 European zoological structures.

This species, endemic to South-Eastern Madagascar, is classified as "Critically Endangered" by the IUCN. The main threats to the species are massive deforestation, illegal hunting and the fragmentation of its natural habitat.

The white-collared lemur population has declined alarmingly. Since 2005, the species has lost nearly 80% of its population, making any ex-situ conservation effort imperative.


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Did you know ?

The Foundation supports the Helpsimus association, which has been working for many years to protect and safeguard the greater bamboo lemur, a species endemic to Madagascar.

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