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Do you want to be part of the extraordinary PAL adventure?

Our incredible seasonal workers

At Le PAL, the New Year heralds a new season. In this beautiful month of January we are all looking forward to just one thing: seeing you all again on 13 April 2019!

As you are well aware, Le PAL doesn’t work without our visitors; nor does it work without our incredible seasonal staff members who are on hand every year to welcome you and make sure your outing to Le PAL is truly unforgettable!

Would you like to be part of the extraordinary adventure at Le PAL?

Looking for a summer job this year?

Reception, ticket office, catering, attractions, stores, accommodation, first aid, make up, green areas... If one or more of these interest you, then what are you waiting for? You can now submit your application on the park’s website in the “recruitment” section. All you need do is choose!

Le PAL employs a staff of 300 each season, so why not join the adventure?

If you don’t want to work for the full season but only during the summer months, no panic! Simply tell us which period you will be available. So if you are keen to enjoy a wonderful experience in the services sector, join one of our teams at Le PAL!

Fill up on new things! Our last News

Births, new arrivals, new arrivals, tips, tricks, theme days ... Stay informed throughout the year of the latest news from the park. Your favorite park will no longer have any secrets for you!

All the News