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A giant game of hide-and-seek…

Waiting for you on our website!

Palou has gifts for you! But before winning your surprise, you will have to use your cunning to catch it...

The search notice is launched!

Palou is a real little rascal. This year he decided to organize a game of hide and seek with all of you. Our website has therefore become his new playground. Every week, he scours the various pages of the site in search of the best hiding place. Be careful, this little prankster is determined not to be found... Do you think you can take up the challenge?

How to catch Palou?

Open your eyes! Throughout the year, it will pass from page to page, so you will have to be very attentive. Once found, grab it quickly: CLICK! That's it, you made it! To congratulate you, Palou has prepared a draw for you. To try to win this nice surprise, fill out the form that has just appeared by entering a valid email address. While waiting for the results, keep your fingers crossed and you could be our big winner!
So ? Will you be the first to find our dear Palou?

Fill up on new things! Our last News

Births, new arrivals, new arrivals, tips, tricks, theme days ... Stay informed throughout the year of the latest news from the park. Your favorite park will no longer have any secrets for you!

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