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A departure for conservation...

Tom's departure

Who is Tom?

Tom our Asian elephant was born on March 19, 2014 at PAL. Since then, he has lived with Nina his mother, Kavery his maternal grandmother, Acra the matriarch of the group and the male Upali.

Very curious by nature, Tom is also a greedy, playful and stubborn elephant!

From a very young age, to prepare him for his departure to another park, his caregivers speak to him in English, since it is a “universal” language, and teach him exercises that will help him for transport.

A departure for conservation

You should know that a male elephant, once adult, lives alone and becomes solitary.

This is why today, tensions are felt in his relationships with females, particularly Kavery. Also, there are risks of inbreeding because Tom could mate with his mother.

Tom leaves for the Maubeuge Zoo, where he joins a young male, roughly the same age, with whom he will be able to free himself without tension.

Later, once his emancipation is complete, the coordinator may decide to move Tom from the Maubeuge Zoo to join a group of females and reproduce in turn.



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Did you know ?

The PAL NATURE FOUNDATION supports numerous associations that work to help local populations live with Asian elephants, StandUp4Elephants or even Le Pic-Vert.

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