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Extend your day at PAL after closing!

American style food truck

Stay on at Le PAL after it closes!

In 2019, a US-style Food Truck is coming to Le PAL! These mobile setups are seen all over the place in the US and Canada. For the 2019 season and its Yukon Valley theme, Le PAL realised that it should also provide a new food-based feature from this region! A large, 8-metre long caravan, which is an original 60s model imported from the US, is to be installed as a takeaway food stand very close to the park entrance.

A range of pizzas, hot dogs, chips and ice creams will be available, so you can have a fuss-free evening meal before heading off. With food to eat in or take away, it means you can easily enjoy Le Pal for a bit longer after it closes. This food truck has been set up just beside a shady picnic area with tables and benches so that visitors of all ages can talk about their great day over a meal before setting off (open for lunch and at the end of the day).

So come and discover the Food Truck and enjoy a nice chien-chaud* meet from April 19, 2025!

*Chien-chaud is what they call hot dogs in Quebec!

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