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15 new faces...

New year means new arrivals

Zoos constitute a genetic reservoir which makes it possible to save species threatened with extinction in their natural environment. The reproduction of rare species is controlled there by international scientific authorities. It is sometimes possible to go as far as reintroducing species bred in captivity into the wild. Thus zoos actively participate in the conservation of endangered species.

But what about PAL?

At the PAL, several species are concerned by these European reproduction programs (EEP*) set up within the framework of the EAZA (European Association of Zoo and Aquarium). Each of these programs is led by a coordinator chosen for his knowledge. No less than 30 species are concerned at Pal by EEP, 18 more are listed in ESB and Monitoring. The PAL therefore carries out transfers of animals suggested by the coordinator throughout the year. And on the ground in France and abroad The Le PAL NATURE Foundation supports associations working to conserve endangered species.

Thanks to these transfers, from April 16, you will be able to find:

  • 2 Cervicapres antelopes from Touroparc in France
  • 2 Bennet's wallabies from Reynou zoo in France
  • 3 squirrel monkeys from Prague
  • 1 red panda from Overloon Zoo in the Netherlands
  • 3 Nile Waterbucks from Rome Zoo
  • 3 flamingos from Parrot World

The objective is to promote the reproduction of each of these species while avoiding inbreeding. The zoos participating in these programs submit to the coordinator for approval any wish to move animals. Depending on the interest of the species, the coordinator can accept and facilitate the latter or recommend another destination or simply advise against it. When conditions in the country of origin of the species allow it, the breeding program may find its purpose in the reintroduction of certain animals into their natural habitat.

*What is an EEP (European Endangered species Program)?

It is a management program for the most threatened species in-situ (in their natural environment). This program is managed by a committee led by a coordinator who ensures the genetic monitoring of animals so that there is no risk of inbreeding and who implements sustainable management of individuals in the parks through recommendations. transfer, reproduction or non-reproduction.

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