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Between fascinating attractions and wild animals...

Relive #50yearsLePAL!

Because we don't celebrate #50yearsLePAL every year, this season, the emotion was there!

New attraction 2023: Champi’folies

To the delight of young and oldChampi’folies opened its doors this year. In teams of 8, you faced each other in a funny adventure... But who was the best shooter this season !

Palou and Paline are back!

Palou and Paline also wanted to celebrate our anniversary! To your delight, they made their “comeback” in the paths of the park. Photos, hugs, kisses... Everyone was able to enjoy it in their own way. For the occasion, they brought out their best outfit! What did you think of their new look?

Beautiful surprises were invited to the party

This year, 3 births marked the #2023season. Our little tigress, Sankha, born a few months before the park opened, loved sharing her first summer with you.
And because happiness never comes alone... Last August, we had the joy of seeing 2 baby sea ​​lion born at PAL. Samba and Rio, two real little pranksters!

A new thematic camp

This year, our little campers had the chance to spend a week in the shoes of a PAL employee! A new thematic PAL Summer Camp which was very popular. What do you say about integrating it next year?

In the footsteps of Palou...

Palou, in a teasing mood, spent the season hiding on our website... To be sure of winning the game, he went from hiding place to hiding place... But like real investigators, you managed to find him and have won an entry to Le PAL throughout the year!

Fill up on new things! Our last News

Births, new arrivals, new arrivals, tips, tricks, theme days ... Stay informed throughout the year of the latest news from the park. Your favorite park will no longer have any secrets for you!

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