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New in 2021

The journey to Africa begins!

The creation of a new African savannah of 4 ha where roam in semi freedom, Rothschild giraffes, white rhinos, zebras, Cape elks, Nyala antelopes, ostriches, typical African birds ...

Three points of view allow you to observe the evolution of these species in the heart of this magnificent savannah, the scenery is total. The residents of the new hotel can also enjoy this fabulous landscape from the terrace of their suite or from the Victoria restaurant, the “out of Africa” magic is there!

The species that coexist on this vast savannah are mostly weakened in their natural environment. Their presence contributes to the public awareness mission in which Le PAL and Savana RESERVE are involved. As part of their responsible approaches (international Green Globe certification) and their missions in terms of biodiversity conservation, Le PAL and Le Savana RESERVE participate in particular in the European program for the protection of the white rhino.

The PAL NATURE Foundation also supports the "Save The Rhino" association, which fights on the ground against poaching of which rhinos are victims in Southern Africa. It also participates in the European program for the protection of Rothschild giraffes.

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