Discover our talented subscribers
Many thanks to all!
This summer, to thank you for always being so loyal we organized two super contests for subscribers to our newsletter. The key word was: let your creativity speak! The results have fallen, but the choice was not simple... So we made a selection of our best favorites!
The Coloring of Tom
We gave free rein to the imagination of our artists to make this coloring of Tom, a real work of art. Which is your favorite?
Tell us your best memories!
When reading your memories, smiles and laughter were there, which is why we decided to share with you these few lines of happiness.
"I came to PAL for the holidays with Dad, Mom and Liana, my little sister. One day we went to see the seals and it was too good because we could see them underwater. Dad and I approached, Mom was outside with Liana and there, just as I laid my head on the glass there was a baby seal that came at lightning speed towards me. And he was super strong and he stopped just before the window and he left. Dad told me that he had probably come to say hello. It was my favorite time at PAL but I also loved doing the descent of Rapido with dad and also with mom because we got splashed and it was going super fast. Even faster than the baby seal at lightning speed." - Margaux, 5 years old
"On Christmas, a little surprise from my sister! Can you guess what I’m talking about? A place to spend a day at the Pal of course! But this gift I was not alone in having. My cousin and cousin were also like children discovering this great gift. Here are 4 lozériens going to discover the zoo and in search of thrills (yes I’m talking about the Yukon Quad! Let’s say that we did a little flipping but we loved it! )
Ps: a small photo of our passage. It’s a gift! And don’t think I close my eyes because I’m afraid, it’s mostly the photographer’s fault? (in my opinion! ?)" - Pauline
"My favorite moment: we went to eat at the restaurant (of the Lodges), and we settled on the terrace we ate, normal, what, and then a zebra came to bother a gnou, and they ran after each other. But that’s not all! All the other animals joined them and formed a kind of ballet, or show. Anyway it was great! I had lots of other funny moments to tell! But hey, it’s not a big deal!" - Noémie, 11 and a half years old
"The PAL is the amusement park where we go as a family every year so memories, funny stories and good times are every time. Thanks to the PAL I met friends with whom I am still in contact, it is one of the best memories. As funny moment I would say the time I was with a girlfriend of mine who had come in skirt (funny idea). So in the attraction "Yukon Quad" her skirt rose up she was too embarrassed... and I was laughing a lot!" - Adeline

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All the News-
After years of unforgettable memories, it is time for us to say goodbye to our iconic monorail, “The Journey Above the World”.
As part of the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP), we are delighted to announce the transfer of our white-collared lemur (Eulemur cinereiceps) Jako, from our park to...
In 2012, we were lucky enough to welcome Taru, a magnificent Sumatran tiger, one of the most endangered subspecies in the world. As a reminder, there are less than 400...