PAL's pink notebook
Jack the Elephant
On May 16, 2021, little Jack was born. Jack weighed 129.5kg at birth and measured 89cm at the withers. This Asian baby elephant is the son of Nina and Upali. The gestation lasted 688 days and the birth went perfectly, in 30 minutes. Jack is therefore expanding the PAL Asian elephant family, already made up of Kavery, Acra, Nina, Tom and Upali!
The meerkat family is growing
Tiger the baby meerkat was born on January 27, 2021. Its name comes from the fact that it was born during the winter in the Tiger Lodges. Tiger is a male, recognizable by his eaten tail end. You can come and observe it since June 9 in its new enclosure, created this winter at the same time as Le Savana RESERVE.
5 wolf cubs
Hoona gave birth to 5 cubs on April 23, 2021. We have three females, Freya, Skadi, Yetu and 2 males, Loki and Togo. The parturition could not be seen by the caretakers and Hoona, the dam only appeared every 2-3 days, which is a good sign. It shows that the mother is confident. She moved her cubs 12 days after birth, which is very early as the babies are still blind at that time. She moved them at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon, allowing the healers to see and count them. Since June 9, you can come and observe Hoona, Kenai and their 5 cubs accompanied by our 3 other Canadian Wolves in the Wolf Forest.

Come and discover our baby animals as soon as possible by purchasing your Smart Tickets! These dated tickets are to be taken at least 7 days before your visit to our website only.
Births, new arrivals, new arrivals, tips, tricks, theme days ... Stay informed throughout the year of the latest news from the park. Your favorite park will no longer have any secrets for you!
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