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Yukon is a federal territory in northern Canada

A whole new attraction

In 2018, a brand new attraction appeared at Le PAL: the Yukon Quad!


We’ve talked to you about it a great deal, but do you really know this region? 

The Yukon is a federal territory in Northern Canada, named after the Yukon River which flows through it. It is a natural region with a predominantly subarctic climate. A climate that’s halfway between temperate and polar (summers are less hot and winters more harsh than in a temperate climate). And when it comes to plants, this means taiga, or boreal forest, characterised by conifers which have adapted to the cold, such as larch, spruce, pine and fir. Their conical shape means the snow can slide off. You also find deciduous trees here, such as birch, willow, poplar and mountain ash. Climate and flora therefore match the mountain climate found in France. Though they are not exactly the same species as those in France, they do have the same appearance. 


And what about Le PAL? How do we take you on a journey to a part of the world located in Northern Canada? 

The Yukon Quad theme incorporates a quad biking hike through some wonderful scenery. 1km of trails for acquainting yourself with the characteristics of the landscapes of Northern Canada. To recreate these landscapes, which can be likened to the harsh climates of France’s mountain forests, we have chosen species which, while they look the same as Canadian species, are suited to our temperate lowland climate. 

We have discovered that fireweed, a pink flower that is found all over mountainous areas of France (especially the Alps), is the Yukon’s floral emblem. You’ll therefore see lots of these flowers in this area of the park. To strengthen the impression of an ancient forest, we have planted a great many large trees, up to 8 metres tall! And to take you on a real journey across the Canadian taiga, we have constructed a lake surrounded by conifers, where the water is naturally filtered via a plant-filled lagoon with the beavers’ dam alongside. And finally, there’s the sugar shack, with a plantation of maple trees, the syrup from which is one of Canada’s traditional products. So we’ll be able to create our own maple syrup! Well, in 40 years’ time or so anyway… And above all, the taiga is a forest formation in which timber is an important resource, so logs have been piled up along the route as a reminder of the work done by the woodcutters.


And taking things further still…

Various species of conifer have been planted at the Yukon Quad, including Nordmann and Douglas firs, Norway and blue spruce, larch, black pine and Scots pine. There are all sorts of deciduous trees here too, including birch, field maple, sugar maple, red maple, pin oak, hornbeam, willow and Saskatoon & Canada serviceberries. A wide variety of trees have been planted to represent the Yukon region as closely as possible. 

We are especially grateful to our Espaces Vert team, who carry out terrific work throughout the year to take you on a worldwide journey within the Allier!

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