The star of the PAL visitors
What does the red panda eat?
Is it a solitary animal?
How many red pandas do we have at PAL?
Find all the answers to these questions in the educational animation of the red pandas. From their way of life to their characteristics, including their diet, the keepers explain everything to you!
You have more questions ? Ask them to the healers at the end of the presentation!

The red panda has long been classified in the bear family. Today, it is part of the Ailuridae family of which it is the only survivor.
Learn more about the animals of the PAL with the animations presented by the trainers. A fun and educational moment for young and old.
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Come and meet the big family of Le PAL elephants and discover the way of life of these imposing animals.
Chimpanzees have very similar behaviours to those of humans. The keepers decipher them for you by telling them about their way of life.
Explore Canada's wolf forest differently. The keepers are there to help you unravel the mysteries of the wolf.