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One hippo underwater can hide another

The strongest freediver

At tea-time, the hippopotamuses come nearer... take the opportunity to observe them closely. Revel in the way they leave and re-enter the water with disconcerting ease, despite their weight. Witness their enormous apetite, their responses and expressions ... An emotional moment, to share with all the family!

Also take advantage of this privileged moment to learn more about this big animal that everyone adores. With its educational panels and the animal section of its mobile App, Le PAL offers rich and lively content to expand your knowledge and understanding of the animal world. 

Discover Image, our female hippopotamus enjoying her daily snack. You can also sponsor her with the Le PAL Nature Foundation and follow her adventures throughout the year!

  • Ponton des hippopotames du PAL pendant le nourrissage journalier
  • Hippopotame du parc Le PAL entrant dans l'eau pour le nourrissage quotidien
  • 2 hippopotames profitant de l'eau du lac africain au parc animalier Le PAL
  • Vue des hippopotames dans le lac africain du parc Le PAL
Even underwater, the hippo can see and hear. It can also stay 15 minutes without rising to the surface!
Did you know ?

Even underwater, the hippo can see and hear. It can also stay 15 minutes without rising to the surface!

At Pal... The other shows

Learn more about the animals of the PAL with the animations presented by the trainers. A fun and educational moment for young and old.

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