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Between conservation and reintroduction

The largest raptor aviary

At the heart of the Morzine-Les Gets et des Portes du Soleil area, the largest cross-border ski area in Europe, the association Les Aigles du Léman has opened. In this winter park, nearly 300 birds of more than 80 species find the conditions conducive to their well-being and reproduction in more than a hundred aviaries. Among them, is the largest aviary of birds of prey in the world : The land of the eagles.

But the commitment of the Eagles of Leman does not stop there. Passionate about ornithology, Jacques-Olivier had the idea of creating, in 2007, a program to reintroduce the White-tailed Eagle. This raptor, then disappeared from France for nearly fifty years, is nevertheless one of the largest raptors in Europe. Between surveillance and study of the species, many falconers and naturalists are involved every day in this beautiful project to ensure the preservation of biodiversity.

The association invites everyone to participate in conservation programs by sponsoring a pair of birds. You will then be able to follow their return to the wild thanks to a system of cameras in the nests and their GPS beacons when they fly away.

The Le PAL Nature Foundation wished to get involved in this conservation and reintroduction programme, and two actions were carried out in this respect:

  1. The sale of a female bird, Tundra, for the creation of a breeding pair, whose young will be reintroduced into their natural environment
  2. Funding a GPS beacon to Les Aigles du Léman to allow them to follow a young eaglet during the first years of its life. Thanks to the data collected, the association will be able to learn more about its biology and the dangers it could face through different actions, such as:
  • Rescue birds when needed
  • Secure areas where birds settle
  • Analyze the risks associated with power lines and wind turbines
  • Document the scientific studies surrounding all phases of the program

The objective is also the way to educate young and old about the conservation of this beautiful species.

The young eaglets born on March 11, 2023 are named: Le PAL. For a year, you follow the life of this little one with us: building the nest, laying, brooding, hatching, breeding then flight and movement thanks to the GPS beacon.
A great initiative to which The Le PAL Nature Foundation supports the project by sponsoring our young eaglet "Le PAL".

Les Aigles du Léman is also an opportunity to stop on the slopes to live a unique experience and discover the most beautiful birds of prey in their natural environment.
Did you know ?

Les Aigles du Léman is also an opportunity to stop on the slopes to live a unique experience and discover the most beautiful birds of prey in their natural environment.

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The Foundation supports and supports financially, technically and humanly projects which, in France and abroad, offer lasting solutions to respond to the threats facing biodiversity, and in particular endangered wildlife species and their habitat.

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