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Promises kept over 40 years.

A hopeful birthday

The Snow Leopard Trust is celebrating its 40th anniversary! The conservation program is made possible by the collective impact and the strong relationships built by this program. The support of the Le PAL Nature Foundation was also underlined by the Snow Leopard Trust. The protection of snow leopards can therefore thrive while raising awareness among the population sharing the leopard habitat.

40 years ago, Snow Leopard Trust founder Helen Freeman wrote the first edition of the newsletter called “The SnowLine”. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, she expressed her desire for long-term participation from members interested in the conservation of snow leopards. Today his wish is granted. The association has succeeded in bringing together enthusiastic and committed supporters.

This year, for the 40th anniversary, the theme of the annual Stride for Snow Leopards event was "40 for 40". It aimed to raise public awareness about snow leopards and the health of ecosystems.

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