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Save the lynx

The Foundation supports the Lynx!

The Le PAL NATURE Foundation supports the FERUS Association for their action which will be carried out this summer 2021. "Parole de Lynx" is an action which consists in raising awareness among people living in the same habitat as the lynx in order to ensure its protection.

What is his goal today?

Its objective is to find volunteers to meet the public and answer questions in the Doubs, Jura and Vosges during the summer of 2021. Thus, from July to August, the volunteers will move from town to town, especially in areas where lynx live, in order to raise awareness and answer questions.

According to Fannie Malet, project manager for this program, the lynx is in an alarming position and constitutes a fragile population. The causes are various, firstly the lynxes are victims of collisions but also of poaching. This is why the association makes a point of informing and especially alerting the populations of regions where the lynx is present.

How to become a volunteer?

Anyone wishing to volunteer must:

  • Be major,
  • Motivated,
  • Be in good physical shape.

But that's not all ! The Association defends values ​​that must be respected. First, the goal is not to convince or to impose but rather to inform and debate while listening to the other person. Before becoming a volunteer, a briefing will be given by an Association supervisor. In addition to this, each week a hike will be organized to discover the habitat of the lynx.

As a little extra, accommodation and all meals will be covered by the Association.

Become volunteer

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