Welcome Jack!
Nina, who had mated with Upali almost two years ago, gave birth to her baby this Sunday, May 16 at 5:40 p.m. Little Jack weighed 129.5kg at birth and measured 89cm at the withers. He comes to expand the family and thus keep company with his big brother, Tom, born on March 19, 2014.
The birth went very well and lasted about 30 minutes. Indeed, Nina waited to be alone to give birth to her baby.
How did the gestation go?
Gestation lasted exactly 688 days, in fact in Asian elephants it lasts on average 22 months. It went very well, especially since Nina had a broken foot in 2015.
The caregivers were very present, they monitored her weight, did ultrasounds and everything necessary to ensure the smooth running of Nina's pregnancy.
Can we see him in the park?
After 9 days of fierce battle, Jack, an Asian elephant born at PAL in 2021, died of herpes. This virus only affects elephants and more specifically young people aged 1 to 15, both in natural environments and in wildlife parks, and can lead to their death within a few hours.
Births, new arrivals, new arrivals, tips, tricks, theme days ... Stay informed throughout the year of the latest news from the park. Your favorite park will no longer have any secrets for you!
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