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Living in herds in forests and tree savannas

An elephant extremely endangered

There are 2 species of elephant, one from Asia and one from Africa. The Asian elephant is smaller as it lives in forests and tree savannas, while its African relative inhabits grass savannas. As well as their size difference, two other physical features set these species apart: the African elephant’s trunk ends in two lips, while that of the Asian elephant has only one. Finally, both male and female African elephants develop tusks, whereas in Asia it is only the male that displays this feature.

Asian elephants are found in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, India and Indonesia.

Asian elephants live in herds of up to 20 individuals, comprising females and offspring not yet weaned. Males often live alone or in small groups.

  • L'oeil et l'oreille d'un éléphant au zoo Le PAL
  • Un éléphant levant sa trompe au zoo Le PAL
  • La queue d'un éléphant au zoo Le PAL
  • Deux têtes d'éléphants du parc animalier Le PAL

In Asia this species is extremely endangered, with hardly any left in the wild. Only a few groups are surviving in wildlife reserves.

Unfortunately, due to population growth in certain countries and a lack of resources, there are many clashes between humans and elephants, with the latter often losing out.

Today, many associations supported by the LE PAL NATURE FOUNDATION such as StandUp4Elephants or Le Pic Vert are working to help local populations to live with these animals.

  • Habitat

    Forest, tree savannah

  • Food

    Grass, leaves, fruit, bark and roots

When an elephant calf is born it cannot yet use its trunk, which later becomes a multi-purpose tool with 40,000 muscles!
Did you know ?

When an elephant calf is born it cannot yet use its trunk, which later becomes a multi-purpose tool with 40,000 muscles!

Asian elephant

Discover his stories !

Such an imposing animal necessarily has many secrets ... Follow the daily life of our large family of Asian elephants and find out more about Acra, Kavery, Nina, Tom and Upali!

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A zoological reserve populated by Asian elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, hippos, chimpanzees, gibbons, wolves, ostriches ... Animals evolving in their reconstituted natural environment, to discover as a family.

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