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Pumps to feed the ponds

Save thousands of animals

Le Pic Vert is an association that works in France for the protection of the environment. She is also involved in the conservation of the fauna of Hwange National Park located in Zimbabwe, in the heart of Southern Africa.

In a country with a devastated economy and sorely lacking in resources, this park has great difficulty in assuming the management tasks incumbent upon it, in particular the preservation of its flora and fauna. Associations formed as a collective try to safeguard its biodiversity.

Three species of mammals present in the park are particularly threatened with disappearance: the black rhinoceros, the Lycaon and the cheetah. The park is also home to around 30,000 elephants and several species of antelope. It is a magnificent biodiversity sanctuary for the wildlife of southern Africa. A total of 107 species of mammals and 433 species of birds are present there.

Since 2011, the Le PAL Nature Foundation has been a partner in this program and has helped finance the purchase and installation of water pumps. The Le PAL Nature Foundation took part in setting up around fortnight pumps. These installations, partly solar, supply natural ponds, especially in times of drought, and save hundreds of thousands of animals.

This project is enhanced by the use of drones. We can hope that this project will allow us to better understand the fauna of Hwange National Park and thus better protect them.

The total drying up of the ponds during 2005 was a tragedy in which thousands of animals died of thirst.
Did you know ?

The total drying up of the ponds during 2005 was a tragedy in which thousands of animals died of thirst.

Le Pic Vert

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