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A highly prized horn

A human threat

The Save the Rhino association intervenes in various fields regarding the protection of rhinos. She specializes in four areas:

  • Protecting rhinos in the wild by recruiting rangers, their dogs, and care
  • The drop in illegal trade which concerns in particular the horn of rhinoceros, which has imaginary therapeutic virtues
  • The involvement of populations through educational programs to raise awareness of future generations
  • The meeting of conservation experts to share each other's knowledge and benefit from it to protect rhinos

The threat is solely related to the human presence and the pressure exerted by it on rhino populations and their environment. Indeed, hunting, destruction of rhino habitat, expansion of agriculture and urbanization are responsible for declining rhino populations around the world.

Since 2016, the Le PAL Nature Foundation has provided financial assistance to Save the Rhino. This aid was divided between the establishment of rhinoceros protection patrols in Asia (Rhino Protect Unit) and the funding of the Sanctuary created for the rhinos of Sumatra (Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary).

The last funding this time concerns the training of rangers in South Africa to fight against rhino poaching.

The horn is collected and used in traditional Chinese medicine, but more and more it is also offered as a
Did you know ?

The horn is collected and used in traditional Chinese medicine, but more and more it is also offered as a "lucky charm" to ensure the recipient good luck and health.

Save the Rhino

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