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A very endangered species

Saving chimpanzees from poaching

Projet Primates France comes to the aid of the Conservation Center for Chimpanzees (CCC), in Guinea. The CCC collects and rehabilitates orphaned chimpanzees resulting from poaching and trafficking in live animals. This work is carried out in close collaboration with the Guinean authorities. Ultimately, the CCC wishes to reintroduce as many of these orphaned chimpanzees as possible into the wild and, by raising awareness among local populations, help stop the influx of new residents.

Chimpanzees, like many species of primates, are threatened with extinction. Great apes undoubtedly benefit from more publicity because of their genetic proximity to humans. But there are many who disappear or will disappear in general indifference.

The Le PAL Nature Foundation financially supports the development of the CCC through Projet Primates France by providing it with annual aid since 2009. In addition, there is exceptional and one-off aid, material aid and human aid.

Lately, a pallet of firefighters' hoses from SDIS 03 was sent to Guinea to carry out installations in the chimpanzee enclosures.

The association was born from the desire of people who shared the same experience: to devote a few months of their life to helping orphaned chimpanzees to relearn how to live in their natural environment.
Did you know ?

The association was born from the desire of people who shared the same experience: to devote a few months of their life to helping orphaned chimpanzees to relearn how to live in their natural environment.

Primates France Project

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