Two Patagonian sea lion babies were born at the PAL!
Two nice surprises
We had the pleasure, on Sunday July 9, 2023 at 11:30 p.m. and Wednesday July 19, 2023 at 9:30 p.m., to welcome Samba and Rio, two male Patagonian sea lion babies.
The births went well, and everyone is doing wonderfully. The little ones suckle diligently and the mothers Nilmat 16 years old and Ayleen 9 years old are very attentive. These are two highly anticipated births, as we had not had a baby (puppy) for 17 years.
Inseparable & accomplices
Not yet able to swim at birth, specific to the species, the little ones remained on land for nearly two weeks before taking their first baths alongside their mother. The little ones play together most of the day, and rest the rest of the time.
In a few days, the little ones will make their firsts in the large outdoor pool accompanied by their moms.
Ensuring the conservation of the species
This reproduction is part of the European Breeding Program (EEP)* for Patagonian Sea Lions. In a few years, it is likely that these young males will be transferred to another zoological structure in Europe according to the recommendations of the coordinator.
*What is the EEP (European Endangered species Program) ?
It is a management program for the most endangered species ex-situ (in animal parks) often indexed to endangered species in-situ (in their natural environment). This program is managed by a committee led by a coordinator who ensures the genetic monitoring of animals so that there is no risk of inbreeding and who implements sustainable management of individuals in the parks through recommendations. transfer, reproduction or non-reproduction.

Get involved alongside the Le PAL Nature Foundation, and participate in the conservation of endangered species around the world.
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