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A very muscular giraffe

Ela, the darkest of the group!

At PAL, she lives with Tanisha, who arrived in April 2015 and Mahango, who arrived in February 2021. Today, Ela finds herself in the African plain with other herbivores: white rhinos, Grevy's zebras, Cape moose and nyalas.

At PAL, she eats fresh branches of different tree species depending on the season (birch, hornbeam, hazelnut, willow ...), alfalfa fodder, pellets for leaf-eating animals (which eat leaves) and vegetables ( celery, endives, leeks and onions). She benefits from a vitamin E supplement to ensure her a diet without deficiency. The caretakers feed them morning and evening, at a fixed time, and they have a snack during the day.

  • Gros plan sur la tête d'Ela, girafe de Rothschild du parc animalier Le PAL
  • Ela, girafe de Rothschild du PAL en Auvergne
  • Tête d'Ela, girafe de Rothschild du parc animalier Le PAL en Auvergne
  • Ela, girafe de Rothschild qui mange les branches d'arbres du PAL

Of a fearful nature, she manages to overcome her fear thanks to her curiosity to discover new spaces and new developments. His caretakers have in store for him some surprises with occasional and original enrichments!

Her build and potency can be dangerous when she's afraid. So when the healers are in direct contact with Ela, they use a large pole to ensure a safe distance for them and for her.

Julien had installed a bone in the enclosure of the giraffes, since they eat it in nature to meet their calcium and phosphorus needs.
Did you know ?

Julien had installed a bone in the enclosure of the giraffes, since they eat it in nature to meet their calcium and phosphorus needs.


Discover his stories !

Follow the adventures and the daily life of Ela, the star of the giraffes of the park!

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