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The conservatory of

The black bee of Bourbonnais

The Plan B association is a conservatory of the black bee of Bourbonnais to promote its conservation and create a genetic bank of these endemic bees. Indeed, the endemic black bee has always been part of our environment. Its existence is today threatened with disappearance. It is, with other pollinators, the source of food and the environment. Plan B's desire is to save her. His project is in line with the specifications of the European Federation of Black Bee Conservatories (FEDCAN), namely, the maintenance of the genetic diversity of black bee populations endemic to the Auvergne region, more precisely in the Allier department, in the heart of Bourbonnais.

The Foundation supports the Plan B Association in its efforts to promote responsible and sustainable beekeeping. Through our partnership, the Foundation funds several crucial initiatives to strengthen the association's capacities and promote the health of bee colonies:

  1. Upgrading the electrical installation of the workshop: The Foundation contributed to financing the upgrading of the electrical installation of the association's workshop, thus guaranteeing a safe working environment that complies with regulations in force. force.
  2. Equipping a trailer for transporting hives: To facilitate the transport of hives and the construction materials necessary for their maintenance, the Foundation supported the acquisition of a trailer specially equipped to meet the logistical needs of the association.
  3. Honeyhouse upgrade: The association received financial support to replace the honey extractor motor, thereby improving the efficiency and productivity of the honeyhouse.
  4. Purchase of wood equipment & hardware for the manufacture of pavilion apiaries: The Foundation contributed to the purchase of wood equipment and hardware necessary for the manufacture of pavilion apiaries, thus providing a safe and sustainable habitat for bee colonies.
  5. Purchase of hives for the periodic sanitary renewal of the apiary: Thanks to the support of the Foundation, the association was able to periodically renew its hives, thus helping to maintain the health and vitality of its bee colonies.

These initiatives, made possible thanks to the generous support of the Foundation, strengthen the capacities of the Plan B Association and promote responsible and environmentally friendly beekeeping.

The black bee is considered a breed of bee native to Western Europe, particularly areas of France, Spain, and Italy. What makes it unique is its natural resistance to disease and its adaptation to the changing climatic conditions of these regions.
Did you know ?

The black bee is considered a breed of bee native to Western Europe, particularly areas of France, Spain, and Italy. What makes it unique is its natural resistance to disease and its adaptation to the changing climatic conditions of these regions.

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