Preserve biodiversity
The Trésor de Nature association aims to restore and preserve biodiversity and engage populations in the protection of their environment. To do this, it acts in France, in the PACA region, where it reforests by launching forest seed bombs and raises awareness among populations (middle and high school students, businesses, schools) about environmental protection. It also operates in Ecuador, in Puerto Misahuallí, at the gateway to the Amazon, where it has been carrying out two pilot projects since 2017 on 30 hectares of land at its disposal.
The Le PAL Nature Foundation provides vital support to Trésor de Nature through the following actions:
- Construction of a shed and quarantine space: The Foundation is funding the construction of a shed to store shelter materials, as well as the creation of a quarantine space to improve health security. These infrastructures are essential to ensure the proper functioning of the shelter and the health of the animals housed.
- Construction of a gate to secure the shelter: In order to strengthen the security of the shelter, the Foundation is supporting the construction of a gate made of natural materials at the entrance to the car park. This gate, made of bamboo, aims to prevent escapes of released animals and ensure a secure environment for their rehabilitation.
- Acquisition of large pre-release cages: Trésor de Nature also benefits from financial support for the acquisition and construction of four large pre-release cages. These cages are essential to increase the shelter's reception capacity and provide the animals with an appropriate environment before their release into the wild.
These actions, made possible thanks to the generous support of the Le PAL Nature Foundation, are crucial to strengthening the infrastructure and capacities of the Trésor de Nature refuge, thus contributing to the protection and well-being of wild animals.

In France and Ecuador, more than 3,500 students have been made aware of the protection of their environment (middle and high schools) and more than 9,000 trees planted!
The Foundation supports and supports financially, technically and humanly projects which, in France and abroad, offer lasting solutions to respond to the threats facing biodiversity, and in particular endangered wildlife species and their habitat.
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