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More than 30 years for

Preservation of natural heritage

The Allier Conservatory of Natural Spaces (CEN Allier) has been working for more than 30 years to preserve natural heritage through concerted actions involving owners, users, communities and state services.

Member of the national network of Conservatories of Natural Spaces, its mission is the knowledge, preservation, management and promotion of natural heritage. Its activity covers the entire Allier department and extends to natural areas outside the department (notably the Loire Valley).

These actions are based on a strong territorial presence and citizen base, in particular:

  • a network of more than 200 members
  • significant support from local authorities bringing together around fifty municipalities
  • a salaried team made up of 18 professionals specialized in the field of natural heritage preservation
  • numerous partnerships with owners, farmers, fishermen, drinking water supply unions, etc.
  • technical and financial support from public and private partners acting in the field of biodiversity

The Le PAL Nature Foundation accompanies and supports the Allier Natural Spaces Conservatory regarding various projects:

  • Full financing of the installation of a Crapaudrome on the D73 in Meillers and activities around the system (participatory construction site, collection of buckets and discovery activities for children): €11,750
  • Financing of part of the Action Program on a Network of Sites sheltering Threatened Species in Allier (PARSEMA): €15,426
To prevent amphibians from being crushed while crossing the road, toaddromes are installed along the roads to release the toads further into the wild.
Did you know ?

To prevent amphibians from being crushed while crossing the road, toaddromes are installed along the roads to release the toads further into the wild.

At PAL... Others projects

The Foundation supports and supports financially, technically and humanly projects which, in France and abroad, offer lasting solutions to respond to the threats facing biodiversity, and in particular endangered wildlife species and their habitat.

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