13 results
Dwarf goat
The dear dwarf is a very good pet. Rather intelligent, she can sometimes be very playful. -
White stork
This symbol of birth is faithful and generally nests close to humans, often on chimneys or rooftops. It is a large wader and a magnificent glider. -
Miniature pig from Göttingen
The miniature pig is a very good pet, just as intelligent as a dog. He is very curious about his surroundings. -
Eurasian eagle owl
This owl has no direct competitor and can also attack other raptors, including the peregrine falcon. -
Crowned crane
Its plumage is a pearl grey in colour, with black markings on its head, throat, breast and long foreneck. -
Snowy owl
Although the distinction between the male and female specimens of most raptors is not obvious at first glance . -
Cattle egret
The cattle egret is a wader that has breeding plumage and winter plumage. -
Eurasian lynx
The Eurasian lynx is a solitary animal that hunts by getting as close to its prey as possible without being detected. It uses the vegetation or any -
Harbour seal
Seals, in contrast to sea lions, have short snouts and v-shaped nostrils. They have very short front flippers with claws at the end. -
Arrow hen
The Hen de la Flèche, very popular until the 20th century, has a reputation for having fine flesh and an aristocratic appearance. -
Wyandotte hen
The golden Wyandotte hen with black edging is one of the dwarf breed hens. Docile and very easy-going, she makes a very good companion animal.